Here you will find a compilation of questions frequently asked by our customers, accompanied by detailed answers. We've aggregated this information to give you quick and easy access to the most sought-after details about our products, services, policies, and more.
Orders & returns
How long does it take to prepare my order?
Your order is processed as quickly as possible, either the same day or the day following the order.
Do you offer a gift card?
We offer a gift card that you will find in our “Gift card” section.
What is your return policy?
You have 14 days from receipt of your order to return your jewelry.
During the Christmas period, returns are exceptionally extended until 12/31/2024, even for orders over 14 days old. Any orders older than 14 days, returned after this date, will not be refunded.
To make a return, carefully package the jewelry in its original packaging. Please note that return shipping costs are the buyer's responsibility. Contact our customer service at atelier1811@gmail.com for any additional questions.
Comment avoir un emballage cadeau ?
Que ce soit pour vous-même ou pour offrir à un proche, chacune de vos commandes chez ATELIER1811 est traitée avec une attention particulière, et cela inclut l'expédition dans un emballage cadeau soigné.
Advice & maintenance
Why does my bracelet no longer shine?
Your bracelet may lose its shine over time, which is completely normal because there is no varnish on it. Like leather, it develops a patina over time.
To maintain the appearance of your ATELIER1811 jewelry, avoid contact with soaps, shower gels, hydroalcoholic gels, creams, sunscreen products, shampoos and perfumes.
Be careful, it is well known that the acidity (PH) of certain skins, as well as perspiration can tarnish and damage, leave marks on your jewelry and sometimes blacken the skin. We cannot be held responsible.
How to find the right bracelet size?
We invite you to go to the “Size guide” section of our site.
Payment & discounts
Are there any discount codes?
We invite you to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Instagram @atelier_1811 to be informed of new products and promo codes.
How can I benefit from -10% on my first order?
You can benefit from the welcome code: FIRST10. Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed of additional discounts.
Customer service & newsletter
How can I contact you?
For any questions, please send us an email at atelier1811@gmail.com.
Our customer service will respond to your request within the next 24-48 hours.
When will the jewelry I want to order be back in stock?
If you would like to be informed as soon as your favorite piece of jewelry is back in stock, go to its product sheet on our website and activate the "Be alerted" alert to be notified as soon as it is available again.
We also invite you to follow our Instagram account @maisondoreejewelry to know all our news.
Can I collaborate with ATELIER1811?
Of course ! To do this, do not hesitate to contact us via the form above or via atelier1811@gmail.com
We are always happy when you contact us!
If you have not found your answer in the FAQ above or for any other request for information, please use the form below, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Contact form
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